Conversation Between Pyrogue and theJozza
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 301
No problem.
While I've got you everything good with this one so far?
Hey sorry about the post duplication. The site was having a moment as it tends to do
I started last time. Do you mind?
Not that I can think of. Who should start?
Makes sense. I like it. Is that everything before we start?
I mean for our purposes it would help sell them as being in need of guidance, care, etc. Could also be a tie in to them having resurgences of the doubts and such from the original story. Chie worried she can’t actually put in the effort to be a cop and Yukiko scared of failing the inn
That could make sense. Is there a reason to have them being the ones doing the gap year?
Yeah so that’s why it’s easier for her to take charge. Maybe Chie and Yukiko could be the ones taiing “gap” years and/or be struggling to figure out what the want to do next?
Something in childcare would make sense for Yu considering how well she took to caring for Nanako.