Conversation Between PaddedCatBoy and Felix0409
Showing Visitor Messages 4501 to 4510 of 5156
B-but what abou when yous needa go potty?
*I giggled and kissed your cheek* I don't mess myself helplessly like you do~ I wear pull ups, not pampers~
Hehe but whats abou yous? When will yous fill you diapes?
Yes it does, baby boy! It makes me very happy! *I booped your nose*
Ish does? *I asked cutely*
It makes big bro so happy when you fill your Huggies, baby boy~
*I chewed it* Mmm lemon!!!
*I put the candy in your mouth* good boy~
Ahhhhhh *I opened my mouth.*
*I held a powerful laxative candy in front of you* Open up~ *I took your paci out*