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Conversation Between PaddedCatBoy and Felix0409
Showing Visitor Messages 4511 to 4520 of 5155
  1. PaddedCatBoy
    May 23rd, 22 09:59 PM
    *I giggled and clapped my hands* Would you like big bro to help you make stinkies?
  2. Felix0409
    May 23rd, 22 09:55 PM
    O-okay! Mmmmmmfff *I tried to go but couldn’t*
  3. PaddedCatBoy
    May 23rd, 22 09:54 PM
    Well why don't you try?~ Give big bro his favorite show~
  4. Felix0409
    May 23rd, 22 09:53 PM
    Hmmm I-I don’t know?
  5. PaddedCatBoy
    May 23rd, 22 09:50 PM
    Do you need to make stinkies or tinkles?
  6. Felix0409
    May 23rd, 22 09:48 PM
    I wove you too big bwo!
  7. PaddedCatBoy
    May 23rd, 22 09:43 PM
    I love you, my little stinker~ *I kissed your forehead*
  8. Felix0409
    May 23rd, 22 06:00 PM
    Hehe no yous!!! *I giggled*
  9. PaddedCatBoy
    May 23rd, 22 05:39 PM
    Awww~ you are such a cutie~ *I kept bouncing you and smothered your face in kisses*
  10. Felix0409
    May 23rd, 22 02:16 PM
    *I smile and stated to suckle on it*

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