Conversation Between thelonegrunt and Mistress
Showing Visitor Messages 501 to 510 of 11098
I dunno. Never expected a simple "just chillin" from you. That's more down my alley. XD
Not saying anything to offend. Or not trying to intentionally, at least. Sorry.
Just... good night. Never mind.
What is that supposed to mean? I'm just relaxing before I head to bed.
Huh... that's an honestly surprising answer from you.
Same here. I've come to the realization that I suck at NES games.
Not much really, just chillin.
Heh. Reminds me of his early WWE days when the top rope was his worst enemy.
*shrugs* Couldn't tell ya.
Makes sense. Wonder who he based Nora off of.
I'm sure you did. I just see him as a reflection of Monty; capable of doing badass things, yet seemingly quiet.
That's the impression I get from him, anyway. *shrugs*