Conversation Between Pyrogue and theJozza
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 301
Also do we want YU to get involved with them romantically or just keep her as a mommy
Think I had first pick last time. You can chose first
Sounds cute. I like it. Who do you want to play?
Kind of gravitating toward her being the mommy. Like maybe they invite her to stay with her, and upon seeing how messy, unorganized, etc they ate and she starts taking control, eventually making them her babies. Could also have some punishment potential.
Could be cute as well. It sort of depends on how we want to play Yu I guess. Do we want to up-play her big sibling/mommyness that she shows interacting with Nanako or her slightly airheaded nature that she shows in some dialogue options?
That could work. Or we could have a reversal. Like they screw up and Yu has to take over as mommy to both of them.
Ooh I like it. I imagine them both are somewhat incompetent at being mommies as well (like with their inability to cook for example) and Yu has to help them out a bit.
Let’s stick with Yu, keep it simple.
But how’s this for a scenario: Chie and Yukiko are dating and moved in together (let’s say it’s after school and everything so they’re all like 18 minimum), and Chie reaches out to Yu with concerns that she’s nervous that Yukiko questions her long term commitment and she wants her to help them by being their “baby” for awhile.
It could also be that this is an act and both girls wamt to make Yu their baby for real, maybe even pursue a poly set up for the three of them, but that’s just a potential idea we could use.
Yeah! Maybe something like Yu (or whatever we would decide to call her) is trying to help with their relationship?
That sounds okay. Like maybe Chie, Yukiko, and female Yu?