Conversation Between Pyrogue and theJozza
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 301
I was thinking something with one of the Persona 4 girls? Possibly involving a female version of Yu?
Maybe. What sort of scenario were you thinking?
Heya. Would you be interested in doing another Persona rp?
Oh that sounds quite cute.
So I was thinking that what might happen next is maybe they capture and/or kill the last Gerudo-Yiga, but in the process Kreska kidnaps Link.
Actually playing the new Zelda made me more interested in the characters again. I want to keep going with the zelda rp of thats alright.
I'm fine with keeping things fluffy.
Alternatively we could also do something from Person 4.
For Mercy and Dva I was thinking something like Mercy trying to get Dva out of her gremlin/NEET lifestyle. It'd probably be purely sfw and more just fluffy stuff.
I’m open to Mercy and Dva