Conversation Between sni and ohlordy
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
April 20th, 13 06:52 AM
Now for art that's truly out of proportion as far as anatomy goes I'd refer you to any comic with Rob Liefeld art, Not what you've given us here. I love art by a master of anatomy like Frank Frazetta & Neal Adams, but I'm also into artists like Dave McKean and Kevin O' Neil, Bill Sienkienwicz and Jack Kirby among others. Are any of the above 100% anatomically correct? No, Are they great artists? Yes.
You're just starting out here on Diapered Anime doing a comic with a storyline, and I can't wait to see how you'll develop.
All the best.
April 20th, 13 06:22 AM
I'm glad to hear that, I can't wait to see what will be happening with Bailey next.
As to the criticism about your art, I think your work is some of the most interesting art I've seen on Diapered Anime in quite a while, and I love it's raw Indy feel which reminds me a bit of Mark Hempel's art. Art criticism can be constructive but be sure to follow your own gut as well.
We have been discussing a new comic so, in the near future we should have another issue.