Conversation Between fearzop and ResidentEvil657
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What did I tell you I don't remember and no I can't get diapered if that happens I want to be babied and that won't happen because not with anyone and family doesn't like it since I need to live with someone because I can't walk.
And I can't do my baby side with just anyone because its just to me my baby side let's a bf and gf be on a whole new level of closeness and bond is stronger to since you see a whole new side of that person most people don't get or understand and you get closer by doing baby stuff and bond is stronger to and you'll still love him even with this side and flaws because you understand the baby thing and love him even more for it because you know more about him and see a side most people don't see .
I also fight my baby side a lot to be who I want to be and etc plus it always ruins relationships for me only had a few people really understand me baby side and all then am just sad because I had to give up working out and everything going onin my life.
Don't worry I be OK don't have to help only makes me stronger even if am sick of being alone even though it's probably a good thing for a few reasons
Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I hope everything will get better soon. Have you get your self padded? Maybe that can relieve the stress... Just try to relax... I know it must be hard for you judging from what you told me. I am willing to listen if u wanna chat about it. Just send me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can ^_^.
Hey fear am doing OK just lonely and depressed as usual and its OK I understand how life can be at least your keeping busy. Am just updating my group with more gaming news I found out just now. And its OK I haven't rp herd in years only one of done is with ace called handicapped baby. Since I like to put me in the story so it's more personal and everything.
Everything is going great for me Resident ^^ Thank you for asking. We haven't talk for a long while, Sorry I was away due its getting very busy at work. I hope you are doing well. Let me know how are ya soon. We can even rp if you like ^^.
Hope you're doing OK and everything is going well for you
ok that sounds good to me to smile
Thank you very much for your birthday wish. Lets chat soon Just comment I will reply asap
happy brithday late brithday