Conversation Between Mardozer725 and Skarlet
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Alicia checked the clock "It is almost noon, should be a perfect time for a walk around the town" she said with a smile as she stood up "But before we go, turn around princess~" She said as she did a twirling motion with her finger
"Let's go and visit the townspeople!" Takuya exclaimed happily
"So, what of thine royal duties would her royal pupness like to start with?" She asked with a smile
"Okay" Takuya said now that that was over as was breakfast it was time for the royal duties
"I guess the meeting will tell. I'll send correspondance for us to meet in a day's time, then have the staff prepare a carriage" Alicia told the puppy princess
"Hmph they are probably finally giving up" Takuya admitted with a smirk
Alicia sighed a bit at that but nodded “Alright, I shall have the guards prepare the cannons in case things go awry, hopefully the extension of peace is real” she said as she finished her breakfast
"To peace?!" Takuya said annoyed grumbling some before nodding her head "Fine to a meeting then but ready the cannons because those cats can't be trusted" She ordered
(It would fit and be adorable x3 which also fits)
“Seems as though the advisor to Princess Skarlet wants to set a meeting” she said as she read it over “Noting both sides have had conflict for quite some time and perhaps we should look to peace”
(I wasn't sure to be honest but I might go with Golden retriever)
Takuya pouted but quickly and happily went back to eating her waffles making sure to swallow and be a good girl for Alicia "Whats interesting?" She asked her