Conversation Between matt 1989 and shotytime
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 30
No problem
Should we speed up the events a little?
Hey sorry for not post. It's been busy at work.
It's cool but I think I'm going to go ahead and speed you a long a little bit and get you in pull ups.
Hey sorry i took the weekend off
I'm cool with that. Are we going to get some sort of time skip back to school. Ir are we going to do all 7 days of his suspension. I don't want to rush the events but im confident that after the second or third day of suspension we'll have done all we can with it
That's cool. I'm ok with slow posting as long as the post that just say.
(He wet his pants.) Mustang every post has to be a novel but I'm sure you get what I mean.
Michael's potty training at this point. I this is day one so I say if we give hime a potty training scale let's say he went from %100 to %97 for the week. So I say you got a 15 minute warning to get to a toilet with a small unsuccess rate just so we don't get bored waiting. As far as bed wetting let's say you start getting some sleep aid to help push it along.
No problem that's understandable I'm in FL
I live in TX sorry I meant to post more yesterday but I got wrapped up in something.
Our times seem to conflict a little bit. What region are you in?
Ya that's fine that's kind of the point of mental regression. The real fun is how much Michael going to fight it but it be a hard fact to argue against with a pants full of poo and willingly sucking on a pacifier and deep down past the programming you know something is wrong but it's not like you have the mental capability of figuring it out when he came and tell me what 2 + 2 is. So your checks will still glow red when someone says diaper boy. at least that's how I would play it out.