Conversation Between Lira the Lost and Matt_Bradock
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 55
To be honest, I'm completely out of ideas in the current RP... and a bit uncomfortable too. I expected Lira to be a bit more timid and not so... thirsty. Also, her being mute, makes things a lot harder. I realised the RP became more sexualised than I wanted it to be, and if we start a new one, I'd like to keep it a bit more light-hearted. If the new kitten is also a bit curious about pleasure, it's OK, but I'd be a lot more comfortable if she'd be more childish and less nympho.
Still interested in continuing our RP sometime, or maybe starting a new one if you would rather.
You're still up in our RP next time you're available~
Heyo Matt! Been busy with work lately?
Hey Matt! What have you been up to lately?
You're up when you get a chance btw Matt!
Perfectly fine man. Hope you have a good day at work!
Working, of course. Not a lot of time to chat, sorry .
Good Morning Matt! How are you doing today?
Same shit different day eh?