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Conversation Between Random24 and theJozza
Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 100 of 128
Gotcha! I agree that Catra will probably be more punishing, and I could see her abandonment issues/fears coming up more right after that too, especially after the trap the gang fell into and all of that.
And we don't need to rush the return part if that's where it ends up going. Part of what I imagine Adora finding during all of this is what she wants, not to do things out of obligation or "because she has to", so I can see that being a point of frustration with her and the others for a little while.
Yeah it makes sense that Adora would try to escape, I figure that Catra will be the more punishing of the two, while Scorpia will start to get more protective of Adora and this will encourage her to stand up to Catra about other things. But yeah some venting might be good to build up the relationship between Adora and Scoripa, her opening up encouraging Scorpia to. Also yeah I think it should turn in Adora convincing the two of them to return with her to Brightmoon, and ulitmately them rejoining the Alliance.
Okay, good to hear. No complaints here! I've been enjoying it, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't adding in too much for Adora's thoughts or the other description. And to make sure I was playing her along the lines of what you were expecting, and not being too compliant or otherwise make it boring/unfun for you.
That sounds like a great direction to go in. Some place that is out of the way and they wouldn't be fine (not for a while anyway). Plus I'm sure Scorpia would love that with Adora given her current reactions, and there's room for more growth between the three of them for different reasons.
I'm thinking Adora will want to try escaping, at least early on, but it could lead more to a breakdown and venting to Scorpia about it? I'm not sure how the interactions with Catra will go, but Scorpia seems like she'd be the person Adora talks with about her thoughts if she gets much of a say. Or maybe she eventually tries to stay in hopes of bringing the other two with her back to Brightmoon someday, and it slowly changes as she stays with them? Might be too long term, but thought I'd try to plan ahead somewhat for Adora's reasoning to stay (though could be she's bound/restrained still, which is also an option)
I think it's going fine and I have no complaints. Are you doing okay with it still?
Also just to recap here's what my next thoughts were: Catra comes back, having lost the gang to a trap and mass dessertion, the three of them leave the wastes and wind up in a large town on the border of Salineas, that seems partially abandoned. They break into one of the abandoned larger house to take shelter, then while Catra is doing recon, Scorpia finds that the house actually has a nursery which makes her baby Adora even more.
Hiya! I wanted to check in with you on your thoughts with our RP. It's been a little while since we chatted, and I thought I should ask how you think things are going with it. Also if there's anything I need to change or you'd like to see more/less of, please let me know.
That works for me too. The main thing I was going to try including for them on the run would be Adora staying with the two and not trying to escape even if she might've had a couple times she could have (or the opposite). That, or even something where they're all struggling a little and Scorpia ends up carrying Adora and maybe even Catra so they keep moving.
Nothing that really adds substance, but bits of fluff of the trio working together a little. It could be a glimmer of the dynamic Scorpia envisions them having at some point, but that could easily come when they're at the city instead.
I figure we could do a bit of both, like a quick 1/2 day or 1 day time skip to them arriving in the new city, but if you want to some of them on the run that would be fine too.
Oooh gotcha, that sounds like a great reason to flee. I can see Catra being more on edge after that, maybe thinking that one of the other two might betray her at some point.
Were you thinking of a fade to black after they leave to go to someplace new, or do you think a few scenes of them on the run would be good to have?
I was thinking the escape would probably be Catra coming back alone from the raid revealing that it was all a trap and their entire gang either got captured or betrayed them. Then knowing that a counterattack is coming to take the ship they grab Adora and flee.
That could be cool! I could see them changing where they stay at over time if they need to too. I like the idea of the why Adora is still a prisoner! I'm sure Catra would need to keep some element of control over things if things went south for her with the gang in the Crimson Waste too.
I also like that potentially being how Scorpia ends up trying to make them more into a family system type thing. From her point of view, she'd probably seen or helped with Adora as a baby for a few days so it might come naturally. Plus they're both the only people she has to care for or would worry about, so it would make sense to me that a romantic attraction could start to form.
It might be early to figure out how the escape might go, but have you thought about how that might look? I imagine it could be something they opt to do during the dead of night or soon after Catra gets back with them. We could have one of the gang members try to steal Adora for some sort of reward or bounty they think might be out there before Catra or Scorpia intervenes and they realize the only thing left for them is to flee.
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