Conversation Between shizits and Mistress
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
Glad it worked this time, thanks for telling me. I'll upload the rest later.
This chapter passed, and you can click the preview button to help you see if it works or not, the magnifying glass over the paper I believe is the button.
Okay, I tried uploading the first chapter again. I made sure that everything was spaced out properly, but it looks the same as before so I don't know what the problem is. I do have some lengthy paragraphs, but they were intended that way, so I don't know what I can do with those.
I forgot to say, thanks for the heads up, really appreciate it.
Really? I swear I had them all spaced properly, but no problem. I'll get them up later again.
shizits, I'm afraid that I had to reject your story chapters. The content was not the problem, in fact, all you need to do is divide each chapter's giant text block into paragraphs, and I'd be more then happy to approve them. Just thought you'd like to be informed why they weren't this time.