Conversation Between TickTock and Arukan
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
That's really, really odd! I'll try and get something up quickly then! I just need to think. ^-^
That's odd, because you're sitting at the top of the Top Authors and yet-- apparently-- don't have any stories. XD You should post, even something small, so that you can be properly reviewed, or else it's gonna mess up the Top 5. XD
EDIT: None of that is your fault, by the way. Haha
Oh thank you, I've deleted all of my stories on here at the moment. I plan on re-writing a couple/doing a new story, I'm just working out a plot at the moment for a lengthy one/ideas for shorter stories, some in the range of 500-5000, possibly ten thousand words.
You appear to be a promising writer, what is the name of your story? I can't, for the life of me, find it.