Conversation Between Birfdaykakes and Rukia~Chan
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
Oh no way, reusing stuff like that is acceptable practice for edits, I just thought it was weird that some Japanese artist found and used something I drew so long ago.
I seen your post about that picture, we can have it removed if you like.
For a long time I was drawing with a mouse. Just do what you can.
Yeah, i would post more art but i have no scanner or anything.... i just raw sketch.
I'm fine.
I was gonna stop making arts for this site, but then Sketch Man returned to deviant art, so I changed my mind.
Its okay =) so how are you ?
Hi, sorry I didn't respond sooner, I was considering abandoning this site.
Yellow hehe^^ =3 hi me reka
Hi me eureka
how are you?