Conversation Between Silvertip and Mardozer725
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 127
I saw your pm, has been quite a while so resent the request
Hi, it’s been a while. I was wondering if you had a Discord or something so we can talk or RP about whatever.
Been super busy but I'm back for now.
Sure we can start tomorrow
Sure, want to start tomorrow?
Sorry, humans just dont do anything for me, i dont mind the raptors though
Okay, sure. No Humans.
I just like mixing Humans and anthros.
Why humans? Because i am not really a fan
We could try that if you want.
I'm probably going to have diapered raptors and Humans in it as an author appeal thing. Just a fair warning.
I took a look at it, the first one with many involved species looked a bit interesting