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Conversation Between Sayokane and Bandit Keith
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. Bandit Keith
    June 3rd, 13 03:53 AM
    Bandit Keith
    Hello I don't think I've ever seen you on before so yeah I figured stop by to say hello to a mod I'd yet to meet
  2. Bandit Keith
    April 23rd, 10 08:32 AM
    Bandit Keith
    hey I know the b word and others has become a mix of stuff people don't mind but slang and other out dated stuff has seemed to turn into the net form of cursing when cursing is not.yay I'm reading to into it but its close for it seems like that.

    but thats why I stick to gaming in real life with people that still use clean phrases or sex puns that are not that bad.
  3. Sayokane
    April 23rd, 10 08:26 AM
    Heh, no thanks. I'm already very tired and such, suffice it to say, the last person who used the word 'rape' when it involved a game with me, ended up with bleeding ears after I gave them a long lecture. The idiot didn't even know what the word actually MEANT, yet he always used it.

    That's the thing, a lot of people use the word, but don't honestly know what it really means.
  4. Bandit Keith
    April 22nd, 10 11:02 PM
    Bandit Keith
    I just got used to slang then after enough people had hated that I turned to using curse words more and more getting less and less b****ing for they didn't mind that.but I'm with you on the rape stuff .for I like terms like I owned that team or powned that person.for well I just don't see the use of sex typo talk when gaming.unless per say its like a sex pun hard to get unless your a perve as in this.the fighter blows a zombies head of and the player says blow jobs down quick and easy tho maby harmfull to health. see thats one thats easy to get but I can can give you hard ones to get.
  5. Sayokane
    April 22nd, 10 10:54 PM
    In response to GTA: Grand Theft Auto, a mistaken game, but it's out there.
  6. Sayokane
    April 22nd, 10 10:51 PM
    I just don't like that word, just like how I greatly dislike the word 'rape' when used in gaming or when someone says that they 'raped' that team. (I have a friend, whose ten year old sister was raped, that's why I greatly dislike its usage, and feel that it's unwarranted in MANY situations)
    Just because a person is an adult, doesn't mean they should enjoy or tolerate the usage of certain curse words. Also, constantly cursing, or using a particular word, in place of another - more friendly word - shows a lack of word knowledge. Why do you think I rarely curse on the board? Because I know of other words to use in place. It's also why in my stories, you will RARELY see me use curse words (such as using darn, in place of main. Or shot, in place of shit) because I find there is really NO reason to curse, unless it's REALLY warrented (and no, a person complaining about something doesn't mean they are bitching)
  7. Bandit Keith
    April 22nd, 10 10:05 PM
    Bandit Keith
    oo and gta what is that?but really why is it to me you come across as easy afended?no afence intended but really not liking the b word thats more like a little kid.no afence intened there ether.
  8. Bandit Keith
    April 22nd, 10 10:01 PM
    Bandit Keith
    a hey I was not saying I was just pointing out .that was the point in the thread for the idiot parts.second why are you so afended by the the word bitch when it was not pointed at you.after all your bound to see it alot any way on da I shere have.
  9. Sayokane
    April 22nd, 10 09:35 PM
    For starters, drop the B word, there are some of us adults who don't like it's usage.

    Parents often complain if their children are being negatively affected by something. There are parents who complain about GTA (rightfully so, even I complain about it, and feel that the company should be shut down and the game's blacklisted) there are parents who complain about various kinds of shows out there.

    The reason anime is targetted so much, has to do with how widespread it has now become. That, and anime 'does' have a negative influence on some children.
  10. Bandit Keith
    April 22nd, 10 09:17 AM
    Bandit Keith
    hey I did agree to most of your post but the two things that was not been talked about yet oddly is whats below

    . why are parents bitching on anime sites for having anime .that and why bitch about shows that are on at 12 to 4 am for its not ok for kid.when kids should be asleep that was the mane piont of the thread to see why parents go over bored like that.

    but most anime sites I have gone two has atlest two parents bitching about anime on a anime site.

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