Conversation Between CalmlyEccentric and Drakus
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
December 1st, 21 06:05 AM
Greetings. How has the year been? Just checking in, since I just randomly remembered you while browsing through my discord servers. Found our little rp and decided to check in.
So how's life?
September 9th, 20 04:05 PM
Sure, it's Zelaird#2677
I do have discord, and I’ve been more lenient with using it for RPs as of late. You can PM me your discord number, if you’d like..
September 9th, 20 02:31 AM
Ah. Do you have a discord? I can send you the images there. Yeah, you seem to have been here a while XD. I actually really love robots. Especially AI.
I may be interested in seeing that character. I do have a liking for monsters, aliens, and robots, in general. My lurking mostly comes from a place of simply not having much to do on this site anymore. As you can probably tell from the little bit of info on my page, I’ve been here for a while now.
September 9th, 20 02:05 AM
I am also well. Trying to converse with someone, but their webpage refuses to load. I recently made a new oc. He's kinda a diapered alien crab creature, who lives on a starship. But besides that, I also tend to lurk around.
I am well for now, and you? Also, I mostly wander around this site to see if anyone, or thing, catches my attention for longer than a few moments.
September 9th, 20 01:39 AM
Heya, I noticed you looking at my profile. How are you?