Conversation Between SilenceInTheSnow and diokno44
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 3391
Happy Thanksgiving Silence. If you have a Discord, PM me it
Hey Silence, you got a Discord? I missed chatting and RPing with you
Alright, sleep tight my friend
good night dear, lol actually bed time here.. good to see you and play again though, I'm hoping to be more active on here again.
Good evening Silence my friend
Hey, its fine. And I get that. We'll go slow
I've been alright, sorry I've been on so intermittent lately. (Also, not really feeling a time skip, was also hoping we could not be super heavy on sexual stuff and let things progress more naturally.)
Hey Silence, how are you? Me, gaming, anime, and its hot out
Or What's Cooking at the Emiya House?
True, though some get happier endings, you seen the Sunny Days OVA for Unlimited Blade Works