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Conversation Between Random24 and theJozza
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 151
  1. Random24
    November 22nd, 23 03:34 PM
    I'm open to it, absolutely. She wouldn't need to lose all of her sort of dominance, she could be a bit of a switch. Maybe she still ends up having some moments with Adora calling her mistress at times after they've reconciled and she doesn't need to force it. Story wise it fits, and I can see Catra being more submissive at times and it could be really cute to have them both padded up and in a crib or with Scorpia. At the same time, I have enjoyed some of the bondage and the thought of Adora being the defacto sub. Though I'll leave the choice up to you since you're playing Catra, I'm good with any direction. I think it'd fit in well with your other idea, give Catra a break from the responsibilities for a while and allow more rest without being looked down on or anything like that

    That sounds like a pretty good plan to me! I like that it'd be Adora helping get Catra back too, it shows she really does care about Catra. I agree about it being later on though too, at least until after Scorpia and Adora have some time together again too.

    If you still wanted to do the plot point of Adora trying to escape, we can do it after they've been there a day or two, or we could wait until after getting Catra back? I think it might fit better before Catra gets captured, because Scorpia'd really need to trust Adora to help vs just escaping.
  2. theJozza
    November 22nd, 23 02:24 PM
    It crossed my mind a little and I thought to at least introduce it. Give Scorpia a chance to become the dominant member of their three person couple and might make it easier for Adora and Catra to reconcile if they're on equal grounds.

    Are you open to it?

    Also my current plan for the town is a gang of pirates/thieves scared everyone away by pretending that a horde army was coming, but in actuality the horde isn't in the area. My plan was catra comes across them coming by to loot and gets captured, forcing Scorpia to resort to offering Adora her sword back...but this would be further down the line from what we got going on now.
  3. Random24
    November 22nd, 23 02:14 PM
    Was Catra being diapered something you'd like to happen eventually too? It seemed like a cute thought, I hadn't really considered it.
  4. Random24
    November 19th, 23 09:29 PM
    No worries, hope the stuff went well!
  5. theJozza
    November 19th, 23 04:51 AM
    Oh it's fine. I just haven't been able to reply because I had a bunch of stuff going on the last few days.
  6. Random24
    November 16th, 23 08:10 PM
    If I went overboard on the last post length, please let me know. Describing Adora's mental state throughout the change seemed like a good idea, and it all kept on flowing without me realizing how long it was getting until I finished.
  7. Random24
    November 14th, 23 03:16 PM
    Gotcha, sounds good to me!
  8. theJozza
    November 14th, 23 02:48 PM
    No the leak is fine it does make sense. Your reply was fine and yeah I was thinking that she'd just leave her in her diaper and bra.
  9. Random24
    November 14th, 23 01:52 PM
    I can edit out the leak if you'd like. I figured after being in the same one for a few days it was bound to happen. Plus it'd give Scorpia a reason to either dress Adora up in one of the outfits she thinks might fit, or to leave her in only the diaper. I'm guessing Catra would probably enjoy the latter at some point too if/when she visits Adora.
  10. Random24
    November 7th, 23 02:49 AM
    That sounds like a good plan. I'm guessing Adora'll end up trying to cover for Scorpia or try her best to avoid the topic as much as she can, unless Catra ends up punishing her enough to where she spills. As for Scorpia and Adora alone time, my guess is she'd opt more for romantic time over baby time, though it'll depend on how they treat her with all the additional baby stuff and nursery equipment around.

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