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Conversation Between Random24 and theJozza
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 128 of 128
  1. Random24
    August 22nd, 23 02:22 AM
    Awesome, that all sounds good to me and the overall route seems great to me. Were you still planning on playing Catra and Scorpia, and I'd be Adora?

    Edit to add - Also, how soon after Adora is captured do you think you'd like it to start? Like a few days or even weeks so the truce might've been in effect, but the trio hasn't adapted to the new norm yet?
  2. theJozza
    August 22nd, 23 02:06 AM
    That all sounds good.

    I think I like the overall route of them becoming a poly couple, with Catra coming to terms with her denial about her feelings to Adora, Scorpia learning to stand up to herself/opening up to Adora, and Adora learning to feel better about what she wants.
  3. Random24
    August 22nd, 23 12:38 AM
    No worries, just wanted to check.

    Oh, I gotcha! I could totally see their relationships developing along those lines. Like for Catra, she might also be trying to do it originally to prove that she's "better" than Adora and she won, even if that's still comparing herself to Adora constantly. I do like the angle of Scorpia eventually becoming more attached and less threatened by Scorpia.

    Scorpia might even stand up to Catra or stop always fawning over her if she backslides a bit or orders her around if they decide to become partner. It might even be at the encouragement of Adora that she sticks up for herself a bit more, though that might not even come up depending on how Catra acts with her. It might be how Catra acts around the other members in the gang she took over too, depending on how often they come into play. Something like figuring out how to balance being ruthless for that but more loving towards the others and not wanting to "go soft" or being afraid Scorpia might betray her somehow if she grows affectionate towards her and lets her guard down.

    I love the polyamorous route, I think that'd be really cute and could see them going along those lines. It'd be a nice way to imagine the three of them learn to understand the concept that "love isn't finite"over time as well.

    I imagine Adora would struggle pretty intensely and hate the two of them for a time. She'd probably struggle herself with not fighting or being a hero anymore. Though maybe as time goes on, she realizes that there wasn't really anything else for her but that which leaves her lost. Maybe she has nightmares from feeling like she failed everyone, but struggles to share any of that for a time. It could also be that spending so much time with Catra starts to feel good again and she feels she can't really talk to anyone except Scorpia. She may also genuinely miss Bow and Glimmer, but not know how to talk about it, or begin to feel like there's no way she can face anyone in the Princess Alliance again and struggle with that.
  4. theJozza
    August 20th, 23 09:54 PM
    I am still open. I've just been busy the last few days and couldn't respond.

    I did mean that things focused on what might happen between them or any other suggestions you had for the story. When I first wrote this, and now that I think about it a bit more, I was thinking that over time the babying of Adora might become more out of care rather than humiliating her. Like Catra uses it to convince herself that she really doesn't care about Adora, but she slowly starts to realize she's using it to keep Adora from leaving her again. Meanwhile Scorpia grows more and more attached to Adora and stops seeing her as a threat or rival. Might also lead the three of them down a polyamorous route if you'd be open to that.
  5. Random24
    August 19th, 23 02:26 PM
    Good morning! I wanted to check and see if you were still open to the idea or not.

    Also, if I misunderstood what you meant by other ideas/suggestions for the scenario, like if you meant more things focused more on what might happen between the three of them, then let me know and I can come up with a few things.
  6. Random24
    August 14th, 23 04:48 PM
    All good! It was from a while ago haha, I really only noticed it because it was one of the first few results with the She-ra tag. I'll copy the link at the end of this if you wanted to look at it.

    Bondage elements make total sense to me, given Adora is a prisoner and everything. I'm good with it being in, yes. I do think it'd be interesting to see where it goes with the three of them, especially as time goes on and how long does the hostility stay there/can they move on sort of thing.

    I could see shadow weaver messing with things in the background too, trying to find ways to mess with Catra and get Adora back (even if justification for her to have power in the alliance side). Maybe even later on Entrapta finds a way to help the Horde more, or tries helping Catra and Scorpia out more somehow. Even Light Hope may get involved somehow to try getting Adora to use the sword again or otherwise fulfill her mission to get out of Despondos. Though maybe I'm thinking way too far down the line compared to what you were originally asking about

  7. theJozza
    August 14th, 23 01:52 PM

    I honestly had forgotten about that one, but yeah I think I might be open to it. I can't remember exactly what I posted about it, but if we do it I would like to include some bondage elements to it as well (at least initially). Nothing heavy just essentially what was done to Adora in the actual show (tied with ropes, big cloth gag, etc.). Would you be okay with that, and do you have any ideas/suggestions for this scenario?
  8. Random24
    August 14th, 23 12:38 PM
    Good morning! That She-ra idea you had with Adora staying captured with Catra and a Scorpia in the Crimson Waste is such a good idea. I know it's over a year ago you posted it, but I wanted to ask if you'd like to try it out sometime if/when you free up RP wise. That, and compliment you on the idea, because that sounds like a really interesting AU.

    Totally understand if you'd rather not, for any reason. Other than all that, hello! I hope you're doing well today.

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