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Conversation Between Random24 and theJozza
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 128
  1. Random24
    June 6th, 24 02:29 AM
    Let me know if I'm laying it on too thick with some of what Adora's thoughts/reactions are, I can edit my reply. It seemed appropriate all those sorts of thoughts are in the back of her mind and she's using the babying to hide away to enjoy the comforting aspect, though she doesn't know how to express that. Not very well at least.
  2. Random24
    April 6th, 24 04:27 AM
    No worries.

    Oh, that could be fun. Maybe like some capture/interrogate the princess thing or seeing how long they could last while being "interrogated" or something like that?

    That works for me, I think it'd be good for her to be so they can get the chance to save her. Could even be she gets captured due to actions Adora or Catra take that accidentally makes her try to protect them by getting herself taken. I agree though, we can definitely figure it out more as time goes on.
  3. theJozza
    April 5th, 24 05:13 PM
    Oh sorry I got cut off and didn't realize it. I don't really remember but I don't think it was important and/or something we haven't already covered. bondage could be more of a play thing that she and Adora do. Like maybe it's a call back to a game they played when they were kids and/or it turns into a bit of a competition between them.

    As for who get's captured and who doesn't we can figure that out more as we get closer, but I definitely think Scorpia should at least be since it hasn't happened to her yet.
  4. Random24
    April 4th, 24 03:44 AM
    Oh, I gotcha. I'm glad a few were ones you liked. Hopefully some will help us pick what we want to happen next too.

    I think that'd be good to have some more Catra and Adora alone time too, and it'd be interesting to see how Scorpia can grow or explore that controlling side more too. I imagine Catra and Adora ending up needing some punishments from arguing or other things going wrong at times. That makes sense about Catra not being "Mistress" again too, I think it'd be an easy argument that Catra didn't really want to be in a position of power it was just the best option available for her. I saw it as a potential avenue for more consensual bondage, but we can go another route to have some more of that if you'd like too.

    That'd be a pretty good idea too. Each has their own merit, and I could Catra saving the other two being a big step for her and something very clear that Adora could point back to as them having turned a leaf against the Horde. I could also see Adora getting captured again leading her to question some more about if she's a good She-ra or should give up entirely on things she wants.

    I'm not sure what that last "I was" was referring to, I'm sorry.
  5. theJozza
    April 3rd, 24 06:34 PM
    No I appreciate all the ideas I like a lot of them.

    I was thinking that we could have a bit more Catra/Adora time alone where they can go down some of the roads you suggested, it would also give Scorpia the chance to come into her more controlling side and get more comfortable with telling them what to do and punishing them. Maybe at one point Adora does offer Catra to tie her up again or something to help them reconcile, not sure if I'd have Catra be "Mistress" again, because I think I prefer having her slowly realize that she doesn't really want to be in charge.

    I was also thinking that maybe Scorpia would get captured by the gang or maybe the horde, and then they would save her, but it would kinda be a nice reversal if both her and Adora get caught, but I kinda like your idea of all three of them getting captured and then maybe there's a moment where Catra has an opportunity to escape on her own, but instead chooses to save them.

    I was
  6. Random24
    April 3rd, 24 01:11 PM
    I had a couple ideas, though I really like yours and think that would be a good one for sure. I think that'd be great to happen once day, and could definitely see the two bonding and getting more romantic. I do think we should have some more conflict come up over the next few days, and think it might be fun to try some additional bondage scenes too.

    For the immediate future, I could see Scorpia trying to do some forced baby time for both to try calming them down and introducing them both to more of what she's expecting. Maybe Catra and Adora fight/argue a little bit as they go with their old habits now that they're more equal. I could see Catra claiming Adora's doing it just to try and get on Scorpia's good side, or being a people pleaser for wanting praise and attention for this. While Adora might say Catra's just being difficult and disrespectful again, essentially ignoring that Catra should be able to voice her opinion. It could be they both end up spanked for being rude to one another, and then they can partially reconcile but it might not quite click for them.

    It might also be fun for Adora to admit to Catra or Scorpia at some point that she liked when they were in charge of her as a prisoner. It could lead to some more bondage that way too, or Catra getting a chance to be Mistress again if she's looking to have some power again.

    Adora might offer Catra the sword, or offer to be bound by Catra for a time period, or accept some other punishment to try making it up to Catra that she's sorry for leaving. And that she wants Catra. Some of that could come up during your idea too, or maybe Scorpia goes out a couple times and the two reconcile more over time.

    My other overall thought was that Adora would struggle with accepting wanting to be a baby with Scorpia once she sees her taking care of Catra too. Thinking she should be helping with Catra instead of being little herself too. Catra might be jealous of Scorpia and Adora, and that might lead to some conflict too.

    Capture wise, it might be a good way to end the final couple of days? Scorpia goes out for another baby supply run and ends up caught. Maybe that other gang came back for revenge, or it really is the Horde. It could serve as a forced moment for them all to fight together and realize they could be helpful for the princesses.

    If you're more comfortable with a bit darker, I could also see something like they all join Scorpia out there one day and Adora gets caught without the sword. Maybe some of what Catra had threatened earlier on the ship comes close to happening. It'd be a way for Catra to try being a hero, and Catra and Scorpia to help Adora with acknowledging boundaries and that they will keep her safe.

    I feel this is way too large, so I apologize if it's overwhelming!
  7. theJozza
    April 3rd, 24 12:25 PM
    On that note, what do you want to happen next? I was thinking that Scorpia might leave the two of them alone and go out looking for supplies, end up finding some disposable diapers and more baby supplies. Meanwhile they could bond and maybe get romantic again now that they're on equal footing.
    But do we want to have any more conflict, bondage, or capturing before they arrive at Brightmoon?
  8. theJozza
    April 3rd, 24 12:19 PM
    Yeah you're right there was a bit of line that got cut off thanks for pointing it out. Also yeah it wasn't much.
  9. Random24
    April 3rd, 24 04:55 AM
    I think you might've lost a bit in your last post, I'm not sure if there was more you were wanting Catra to say/feel there. I didn't think it'd affect anything for my post, but I thought I'd let you know at least
  10. Random24
    March 13th, 24 03:34 PM
    Yeah, that makes a lot of sense with Scorpia. I think it'll be interesting to see how that plays out, and how the babying in private goes too. Though I can see it changing depending on how into the babying they all get while they're able to full time.

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