Conversation Between ALBOE and Bandit Keith
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 60
December 23rd, 19 09:30 PM
It's alright I understand as Christmas is in two more days
Sorry for not posting kinda been rather busy holiday season and all
December 10th, 19 02:38 PM
Take your time no need to rush things
Sorry for not posing been a mix of dead more or less on here and thought I had posed last... Turned out I hadn't will get to that tomorrow if everything goes good
December 7th, 19 08:17 PM
I'm kind of good...been fighting a cold for a few days but I'm getting better and I'm all for it
How are you doing today? Good I hope … Anyway was wondering how do you feel about Deku getting sissified ? Also how do you feel about him subjected to a lot of negative views on males?
No problem I'm thinking Emma Frost would be Deku's main caretaker given Emmas upbring and the like... Aswell as the fact Mystique's gimmick is she tends to be nude in most incarnations of her heck often times the 'clothes'' she has on tends to be a part of her aswell
Also Night, hope the rp is enjoyable so far too you
December 7th, 19 06:41 AM
My laptop is about to die its at 25% so I'll be calling it a night thanks for agreeing to Roleplay with me it's fun
December 7th, 19 06:39 AM
And if it's OK I would like Deku's main caretaker in Diapers