Conversation Between Amy Stewart and Kagemaru okami
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
Lol.thanks and same to you I've started doing some on discord so that way it's easier since it seems like most the people I use to rp with have vanished or change their interests
Oh... sorry. Nice to see you... again!
I'm alright and not we didnt get that far we had discussed and brainstormed but you did have that time sadly
OK, I guess. And you?
Have we roleplayed before? (Like you said it was a long time)
Hey it's been awhile how have you been?
Hey its been awhile how have you been
Pats your head, it's ok dos,some thinking and even if it's at ransoms time we can do an rp slowly
Great! I... I mean... would be great... if I had time for that. Unfortunately I'm very busy at the moment. See you around!!!
My characters are daddy doms