Conversation Between DsB and Silverkitten
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 29
OK would you like to start it or me?
October 2nd, 17 09:46 PM
(Sure! That sounds good!)
I tickle you after taping up the diaper
(OK what I was thinking was two adventures set out and do a bunch. Of quests, that's the basics my
rps usually get more elaborate as they go so bear with me plz)
September 30th, 17 04:49 PM
*My legs spread out wide!*
(Im confused......what exactly do you picture rp wise?
I quickly wipe you down before getting a pink diaper and tapping it on.
(What does he do for his magic?)
September 29th, 17 05:49 PM
*Blush deepens as her lips touch my tummy!*
(No weapons....but is magical and controls luck)
Sounds like he's a tank meaning he's best up close
OK what weapons does he have in human form?
Proceedes to change you unfolding the front while giving you a fart kiss on the stomach
September 28th, 17 12:47 AM
Yes to both....