Conversation Between Neran and BEZZ2405
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 809
April 10th, 24 03:34 AM
I’ll tell you if I have any ideas.
I don't have any ideas but if you have something feal free to tell me
April 10th, 24 03:28 AM
Please tell me your idea?
Would you like to start something new I would like to have an rp to do
April 10th, 24 03:11 AM
I don’t wanna do the Erza rp anymore. I should have told you before and I’m sorry.
Hey ita your turn in the Erza rp
Hello it's your turn in Erza let's keep going
It's fine I'm just trying to pass the time
April 9th, 24 01:59 AM
Sorry, I’ve been busy.