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Conversation Between KouCynder and Mardozer725
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
Will do. Do you mind if I friend you?
Sure that is completely fine. If you ever feel like you want to do a second one go ahead and hit me up, or even just to chat honestly. And if the time doesn't come, well, it was nice to meet you anyway ^^ hope you have a good time with the rp you are starting up
Um...maybe It would be better if we held off doing a RP for now. I don't think I'm ready to start two RP's at the same time.
Thanks for asking me though. Maybe we could do one another time?
I would expect to kind of throw it in now and again lasting about 3-4 posts for an average one, and a lengthy one being like 10 posts max when they happen, but how often they happen can vary from once in a blue moon to very often, depending on how my partner is feeling about it, I'm quite flexible with it really.
Okay, my fave choice wold be for a medieval setting. What do we wanna do for characters? OC creations or stuff involving characters from media
Well mostly I dislike cases when the spanking goes on for too long and takes up most of the RP. Otherwise it's alright, I guess.
As for the setting, maybe something fantasy oriented would be okay; Anything from medieval to modern times.
May I ask why iffy on spanking? Is it only hard spankings or just spanking in general
Well, not full fleshed ideas, but I have some thoughts that can become rps, mind giving me a setting you would prefer? Like medieval, sci fi, videogame inspired?
Oh, good! I'm game for all of that, though I'm kind of iffy on spanking.
I don't really have any ideas for an RP at the moment. Did you have one?
I should also add in I like fantasy and mystical stuff as well like ghosts, medieval age, magic, sci fi and things like that as well
(It's fine)
I enjoy babying and humiliation style things, diapers, spanking, and anthros (Furry or scaly) and cute bottoms
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