Conversation Between pink nappies and h.b.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
March 21st, 17 11:38 PM
Hi Pink I know it's been a few years but I stuck with an idea of making a game and I made some nice progress with it. I wanted to pay a tribute to your game because it was the one to inspire me to make my own. Can you please allow me to make references to your characters and places in my game?
Sorry, the reason I stopped that RPG is because my PC broke and I lost everything. That was about 5 years ago now so I honestly can't remember how RPG maker even works. Sorry.
May 31st, 11 08:03 PM
Hey Pink do you still have the ruby code of your rpg game Lila and Floe ? I want to create an abdl rpg game with random diaper events as yours, but I can't find how to do it. Can you give me some advices ?