Conversation Between CodeUmbreon5962 and Zhaya Curze
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 56
contact me on discord or pm me anytime, we can talk ideas and rps whenever, thanks.
Sorry, I have been on discord a crap ton lately
So how is it all going for you?
It's up in the RP Forum. Can't miss it
Awesome. I think we have a plan. I'll start this up in a few minutes
BTW, I think I made a Garo reference. (Staying in armor too long)
Sounds good, if she has to go outside it will be in rider form but that makes sense
Alright, then. But I think I have a way they can meet. Natsumi sucks someone's blood, Wataru comes to the scene thinking that it's a Fangire attack. They transform, and Natsumi explains her situation in mid-fight
Okay. Just try and keep that "bloodsucking and daylight" stuff concise and noticeable
To add to the idea, my Natsumi will act as Kiva's big sister, always checking his diapers.
I prefer the vampire idea, but that's just me