Conversation Between DRX Dragon and Kokuei
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 346
Hey Kokuei I'm doing well I just got home from work
December 19th, 19 05:18 AM
head giving me some problems.... holidays beeing crazy like always.... but thats abotut it. how are things going with you?
Hey Kokuei how are you doing tonight
Same I hope things get better for you
December 10th, 19 04:05 AM
I know that EXACT situation with work... ive been in that situation and know the few outcomes. Hope for the best for you.
And unfortunately its not looking good so far.... even if me and here were to try for a place we couldnt afford the cheapest place around here.
Ouch that sucks hopefully y'all find a place of your own soon. Things will work wise get better for me when either I leave or when the problem gets fired or transferred. And I do plan on leaving since I really can't go any higher than what I am now and I don't plan on retiring as a Supervisor at a fast food restaurant
December 9th, 19 02:39 PM
Hope things get better for you. My gf got kicked out of the house and disowned by her father for a bad but honest fuck up that could easily have been fixed quickly. So now she is temp with me at my mothers place for a bit.
I'm stressed out to the max right now thanks to work
December 9th, 19 05:57 AM
I am doing mostly ok..... the GF on the other hand is going through hell.... her life went Nuclear is the worst way possible. So im just trying to keep her together.
how are things going with you?
Hey Kokuei how are you doing