Conversation Between CPBaby123 and diokno44
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 227
Hey CP, how have you been friend?
Oh its fine, just post when you have time. Life comes first
Hey just wanted let you know that I'm alive and okay and I'll be coming back on to this site occasionally but, I'm sure if I'll have time to RP.
Hope you're OK CPB
You're up in the RP friend
You're up in our RP my friend
Well, I'm literally falling asleep as we type so, I'm gonna try one more time and if it doesn't work I'm closing the tab so, even if it looks like I'm on, I'm not. goodnight my friend, nice playing with you.
Same here, hope we can do it soon
I can't keep my eyes open any longer. Good night my friend, it was nice playing with you