Conversation Between Neran and BEZZ2405
Showing Visitor Messages 701 to 710 of 809
April 3rd, 23 09:35 PM
….No, no I do not think we have. I like Oki Aka town. What do you think?
Yea they would still be babies and Miyuki would still be there caretaker so she would be the real head of the tow by the way have we named this town or not?
April 3rd, 23 09:29 PM
That sounds fun, but would they still be babies or would Miyuki be the boss?
That could be a cool idea or mitsuri and Shinobu be heads of the town or something like that
April 3rd, 23 09:23 PM
Okay we’ll see how it goes and depending on if we still want it we’ll make it official at the end, or right before the final battle. Maybe at the end the caretakers continue to keep the town running?
I kind of want it now it's been like kind of cute actuly
April 3rd, 23 09:15 PM
I’m cool either way I just feel Mitsuri would be a good kisser.
So in the end of this are Shinobu and mitsuri actuly gonna be gay for each other it seems like your hinting at it
April 3rd, 23 09:06 PM
Yeah add that too, that’s good.
Maby a crawling rule what do you think?