Conversation Between ChaosShadowBoom and Spectre Dash
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
well basically, sonia is out on the town when she runs into obne of her friends. this is after the entire robotnik take down. and when she is out, her diaper is revealed and then she is blackmailed into keeping the secret from her brothers and mother. and then if you have any ideas toss them in there
First I want to here what you wanted to do in the rp called Sonia's day out.
Alright then, lets talk. shoot me some ideas on what you have in your head
Ok well I like to talk about the rp before starting, now I'm thinking I could do Sonia's day out, but I would like to talk about it first, things like what is the plot and stuff.
Yeah I got two ones I posted already that nobody has replied to. If you're up for it, try searching my name in the tags
Yo, I'd be interested in a Sonic to if you have any ideas.