Conversation Between Nekroms and Nomamsrper
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 155
Ill it to you... There's people here that I don't want to have it ^^'
Yes me does! Whats ur tag?
That's good I'm doing good as well... I was wondering if you had discord? I'm doing most of my RPing there now adays
I am pretty good what about you?
Thats allright, stay safe :3 <3
Heyo I'm going to give you a direct message since we're doing a RP. After some struggling I've decided to leave the diaper community. It's something I've struggled with for a while but it's needed to happen for a while. It's nothing against you. I've enjoyed our time RPing, but this is something that's needed to happen for a whil.e.
Aw... Um sorry to hear that buddy