Conversation Between Pyrogue and theJozza
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 297
Sure I'd love to pick it back up. Though as a warning I got a lot of rps up right now and I've been pretty busy lately, so I can't guarantee I won't have any delays on replies.
Indeed. I'd like to continue if you'd like to.
So are you interested in continuing Mama Yu and her girls?
Don't worry about it, real life happens and this is all just for fun.
Hi there. How are you doing? I'm terribly, terribly sorry I disappeared for a full month.
Okay we'll just play it like that. Maybe start with them stepping out of line first, and then Yu realizing how much she likes to baby them.
I think some combination of both would work best.
So do you think they should step out of line again for Yu to punish them again, or should Yu just try to trick them into being her babies (like in our makoto rp), or maybe some combination of the two.
Oh yes. Think we finally got a good start again.
I am. I trust that you are as well?