Conversation Between Kid Chimour and Neran
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
December 2nd, 23 02:11 AM
Oh naw, yeah we can do that.
Um, curiously... would adult-aged characters, in diapers be a problem? AB/DL doesn't need to be sexual, so we could still work with the premise if you're interested.
Oddly conservative about it. Well, no matter. We don't need to involve sex. I'm just... I would like Trixie to be babied, if that is alright?
December 1st, 23 05:33 PM
Ah… yeah I’m not gonna lie all I really know how to do is post rps and send messages. But I can play doms to. Though no sex. Or sexual things.
No. It's on your userpage. Under 'information'.
December 1st, 23 05:25 PM
…Yiuve been reading my rps?
Yes. I've noticed you're also a bottom, and... I would like to play a submissive character, as well.
I do not like playing dom all the time, unless I happen to be in the mood for it. I'm good with playing both, simultaneously though.
Just so long as I can have a subby character.
December 1st, 23 05:15 PM
That’s super to hear, I like long posts, though it does take some effort on my part to match them so that might be an issue for a bit.
There are a few running themes in my work... diaper-modeling is a big theme for me. I also like dialogue-heavy roleplay. I like to have emotional scenes, wherein characters come to understand eachother through their words.
So, part of why I like Trixie, is because I can kind of explain her insecurity to other characters. I've made the character my own, in this way.
December 1st, 23 05:08 PM
Super, do have anything specific you’d like to do?