Conversation Between GabbyThePuppy and Mommy Pandora
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
Sent you a request. Can't wait to start role-playing!
Please I find it so much easier and I'm on it more than this here's my name pandora#4791
Mhm! I sure do! Did you want to role-play there?
Sure you seem super cute but may I ask do you have a discord?
Right-- I'd love to role-play with you though. ^^
Lol most people on her role play the ones that don't tend to keep To them selves
Myself? Well, I'm a role-player in case you didn't know; capable of multi or simple para RPs.
Aww that's adorable so tell me a little about yourself cutie ~<3
Gabby is a toddler actually. She sometimes tries to be a big girl though. ^^
Aww well I mean like your picture a big girl who still acts little*pets your head*