Conversation Between Random24 and Moemura
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 686
*gives a sharp spank that would make any diaper crinkle and/or squish to be heard for miles >:3*
Oh I am now that I have a squishy butt to pat~
*pats again*
You're a lil bit silly Moemoe <3 But cute all the same :3 Hope you're having a good day~
*nods nods as I pats your butt*
Hehe, good to hear, I'm glad
September 10th, 24 01:22 AM
Oh they have been going very good for me :3
Owwww, hey! Stinker:P
How are you doing Moemoe? Things been going well?
*gives a very sharp slap on your bottom :3*
*gives out very adorable huffs*
Probably cause you just change every time you go! Too afraid to stay in it longer than an hour I bet