Conversation Between noon and Mistress
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No, it's on hiatus ATM; dealing with a lot at the moment, and I'm wrapping up another fic that got away from me when I was writing it.
Make no mistake though, I do intend to finish this story in particular.
October 8th, 13 12:37 AM
Did you give up on your Luna story? :x
Thank you for the review, I've read hundreds of HP fanfiction, watched the movies, and read the books, so I've wanted to do an accurate HP fic for a while now. It was just figuring out how to do it and not be generic that stopped me. Actually wanna try something with Daphne Greengrass, maybe even Tonks sometime.
But for this story, I'm keeping the Golden Trio in the background. And I will say Luna won't be the only padded witch in the story; title says baby witch'es' after all.