Conversation Between Amaretto and Wolfie
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 153
October 22nd, 24 11:18 AM
looking for rps myu self and cuting up pdf of D&D books for readablity trying convert the text books into chapter bite size peaices
Nothing much. Just doing some stuff
October 22nd, 24 11:11 AM
what chu up toooo
October 22nd, 24 10:40 AM
hey how are you doing =)
I will tell you if I want to do it with you
October 9th, 24 11:56 AM
still huntn a rp parenter for my goddess amongst mortols rp if intrested
Tough luck. Hope they get better soon enough
October 9th, 24 11:15 AM
i feel bad for my older brother and little brother who caght it they are vommiting prefusely
Ouch. Sounds like intestinal flu