Conversation Between Little_Kit and Lovely Thyme
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
Your turn to post!
Sorry I was off for a while!
Your turn now!
XD I saw your message and replied as quick as I could
yeah. u start. let me know wat the tags are when your done
The plot will be that...Celestia has just lost her baby foal in a miscarriage and is deeply saddened.
Luna and other concerned citizens send Twilight to Celestia to try to cheer her up!
So you want me to start?
sounds good to me. well, i have no experience with either of them but it doesnt hurt to try. i will try celestia
Well, I've always like the Twilight/Celestia mother/daughter pairing so I was hoping we could do that?
You can be Celestia or Twilight.
yes i would. im always up for an mlp rp. just tell me wat i need to do
I was wondering if you'd like to do an MLP RP with me?