Conversation Between DataShy and Rukia~Chan
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 362
Its okay^^ *stands there squirming holding my padded rear*
How have you been?
Hey, sorry for disappearing for a few days. Some stuff came up.
Everythings been so blurry lately >_<
*Pokes you* hi what's up ?
We should make a blanket fort and be warm in it together :P. I'm watching Adventure Time and being on the computer under blankets because I'm essentially a tall 8 year old. Go me!
I'm on the computer under the blankets^^
Wait, duh, sorry, your from the States. You guys and your Fahrenheit crap :P. I'm doing that too, it's just what I always do. Studying? Blanket fort. Reading? Blanket fort. Video games? Blanket fort. Reddit? Blanket fort. It just happens.
Sorta its snowed in fall before when it was 30°
I'm laying in bed bundled up in blankets.
so what you doing?
Doesn't it have to be below zero to snow? Lol.
Yeah, and its snowing here its below 0°