Conversation Between thelonegrunt and sweetykins
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 23
Hiyah lill one, I'm Sweety, nice to meet you.
Hi yah how have you been lately?
That is my punishment so go ahead, after all I was a annoyance to you and your friend/momma too. So be my guest in blocking me. So long then.
Wait wait hold it hold it hold it. I can do this I can be taught how to be a better person. I realize this is not me, I was wrong to be like this, as you have every right to be this way, but I can prove it to you. No more chit chat anymore unless someone responds to me right back.
I want help ok, I can try I just need someone with patience is all. I'm sorry for causing this but if you won't accept it, then there's no help for me then.
Please don't pull the autism card. There are a lot of people with autism in the community that are able to keep a lid on what you're pulling right now.
Do you want to know the real truth about me? I'm autistic see, I have a problem continuing such issues, it's not like I can stop it like a snap of your fingers. Oh no it's hard buddy, and that's what makes things hard on me, doing what is right allot ok?
*Cries feeling shameful about all this hurting from what I've done.*
Then why are you doing that still? I don't want to roleplay with you. And I never do, quite frankly. Don't turn this into one. Don't even try.