Conversation Between dan6666 and MokatheGroundhog
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
i see, yeah, some weather eh?
good been busy shoveling snow Wednesday and Thursday and Friday but Friday was fire hydrants digging out with the fire company i run with
hello dan how is it going? i used to be known as thejohnman109 and Count_Bleck
wow thats a lot of things to do, i wouldn't be able to keep up
I been busy working and fixing my car and fixing some plumbing in my house all week and training with the firedeperment got to go car accident
hey dan, been awhile since we last talked hows it going?
nice signature dan don't get hurt
cool, cool, i will check it out Dan
cool just changed my sig a bit i put my stations main engine in it so ya guys can see i what i drive when a car accident or a fire comes in this is a risky thing to do just last night i almost got hurt fight a brush fire
i was busy this weekend, i had a snowmobile ride to go to on saturday, i am currently uploading some footage of that snowmobile show to my youtube channel, hopefully they don't take it down