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Do you have anything against me bringing in some Lunar stallions with a excuse they was turned to stone and no pony really realized it in our''the return and the love'' rp? I ask as I see comedy worth in the ideal plus Spartan Shield would have another use in the rp
How shall we go about having it found out that Diamond Tiara is getting abused at home? I'm thinking Rainbow goes to Diamonds house to inform Diamonds parents on how far Diamond had bullied Scootaloo where Scootaloo over done her attempts to fly and pulled something in her wing muscle(I got a plan in my coming post that would bring that to up if you want to go that way) Maybe its clear Diamond was going to have a rather bad physical show of the treatment after its been a short bit aswell. Also do you want to play Diamond or me? I think taking turns would be good
Question do you got anything against Scootaloo's parents had owned what used to be a groundskeepers home for Canterlot castle and owning a estate in the Everfree forest? I was thinking a excuse for the house in Canterlot was for Scootaloo to be with them when they would get stationed at the castle.
Also the rp I plan for someone in it to find out Diamond getting abused maybe Rainbow finds it out and Scootaloo over hearing the mess even though she doesn't like Diamond she chooses to try and get Rainbow to take Diamond in