Conversation Between Amy Stewart and diokno44
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 35
Hey Amy, how have you been friend? Been awhile
Hey Amy, how have things been? Been awhile huh?
I'm fine, thanks! k
inda busy, but rather OK!
Hey Amy, how have things been?
Ah, Ok, let me fix that up
I understand the feeling. So, would tit be all right if, in that RP, I play the diapered child?
Maybe a bit later. One RP at the time. I already neglected our RP. If I had another one here I'd got lost.
Well, an idea I've had for awhile is one where we each play a daycare/preschool age child. One is diapered, the other not. They enroll in a preschool with a strict anti-diaper policy, unless medically needed. It would be more slice of life, with the diapered kid trying not to get caught
I'm sorry, I didn't quite get your message. Could you describe more?