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Conversation Between theJozza and GreaterGood
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 988
  1. theJozza
    February 13th, 25 08:23 PM
    That does sound like fun too. I'd be on board with it.
  2. GreaterGood
    February 13th, 25 06:57 PM
    Another fun idea I had is for Yusuke and Futaba. I think it’d be fun if he did some art and designs for a video game she’d be making. It’d be a reason for them to have playdates and also be a kind of “adult” thing they do in a babyish way in this casual ABDL world
  3. theJozza
    February 13th, 25 03:16 PM
    Yeah that all sounds like how Makoto would do it, with splashes of tough love thrown in especially when "auntie Sae" is involved.
  4. GreaterGood
    February 13th, 25 04:46 AM
    The idea of his treatment is to kinda tackle both his miserable childhood and also his ego by giving him love and affection while also getting him used to embarrassing himself to learn a little humility

    From an out-of-story perspective, it's because I think it'd be cute to make him suck his toes like a lil baby boy
  5. theJozza
    February 13th, 25 04:23 AM
    That all sounds fine with me.
  6. GreaterGood
    February 13th, 25 03:36 AM
    More than fine with me! Though she might be a lil in over her head with 'Kechi-Wechi

    Speaking of, I had a couple of fun lil ideas for activities for his rehabilitation. Basically, the main gist is that he has to play baby games with Makoto for rewards as a way to work on his humility. Stuff like charades, peek-a-boo, and simon says. The playpen would be one of the only times he's out of his "hugging jacket"
  7. theJozza
    February 13th, 25 03:30 AM
    I mean, I'd be fine with just having Makoto as a "single mom" if you're cool with that.
  8. GreaterGood
    February 13th, 25 01:03 AM
    I agree lol, especially not for Akechi. He had better chemistry with Futaba, who I could see him cheering up with a funny face whenever she gets gwumpy. If you don't wanna include him that's honestly fine by me
  9. theJozza
    February 13th, 25 12:59 AM
    I'd be fine with her doing that. Honestly, I'd prefer focusing more on Makoto that Ryuji. He doesn't exactly have daddy vibes.
  10. GreaterGood
    February 13th, 25 12:49 AM
    Gosh, that reply made me blush! It also gives me an idea: after a little bit of Alechi’s “rehabilitation”, think Makoto might start taking her baby to work to help her with cases?

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