Conversation Between That one guy and Mr Hoo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
January 17th, 23 05:53 AM
Mr Hoo
Hey there. Do you want to continue our RP?
November 2nd, 22 03:34 AM
Mr Hoo
You forgot to add your +5 Atk Mod.
October 15th, 22 04:25 AM
Mr Hoo
That's fine, you were probably very busy. You post whenever you feel like it. I'm just checking up on you.
Pretty good sorry bout disappearing both kinda forgot we were rping and I was just not on the site for awhile
October 11th, 22 03:50 PM
Mr Hoo
Hey, how've you been?
September 9th, 22 12:15 AM
Mr Hoo
Hey there, not sure if you got my private message about the correction?
August 27th, 22 11:45 PM
Mr Hoo