Conversation Between That one guy and Neran
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 37
June 3rd, 23 11:17 AM
We could show how she goes baby when she doesn’t get her potion.
Do you have any other ideas on where to take the rp
June 3rd, 23 02:05 AM
What do you want to do with the rp after this? Would you like Eda to meet Luzs friends?
May 31st, 23 02:18 AM
I just edited my first post.
It has officially been sent
May 31st, 23 02:04 AM
So the idea is basically eda was looking for something to wear Luz happened to have found a dress and offered it to eda
May 31st, 23 02:00 AM
Sure, maybe Luz offered her the dress because she thought it be cute?
Fine with me should it be like luz walked through the portal not too long ago and came upon Eda trying on cloths
May 31st, 23 01:59 AM
If that’s cool with you, just tell me when you do.