Conversation Between Mommy in Diapers and Himechan
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 74
I was just thinking whenever we get tired of the two we're using now
When do we bring in the others?
It's cool thanks for the heads up. .
Sorry, I’ll reply tomorrow, but where I live it’s super late and I don’t think I can type anything good while I’m so tired
Oh nice.

maybe a bit of build up, but i kind of established that they had been talking for a while, so i dont see it out of the question for them to get romantically or sexually involved fairly quickly, at least for Ayuki and Yasuna. Hazumu and Tomari may require more build up, but we wont have to worry about that until we get to them.
I don't know that's why I'm asking you lol .
we can build up if you want. but if you'd rather jump right into it we can do that instead.
what do you mean by that?